Tuesday, August 21, 2007

MangaLAsAsanam By PeriyAzhwar

Welcome to this blog! AdiyEn would like to share the event of PeriyAzhwar mangaLAsAsanam during Sri Andal ThiruvAdipoora celebrations on Aug 11, 2007 at Sri Villiputtur. The left side picture shows the entrance of the mangaLAsAsana pandhal. The entrance itself was decorated in grand manner. The right side picture shows the pandhal inside where adiyEn eagerly awaited to had the darshana sowbhAgyam of PeriyAzhwar performing mangaLAsAsanam to 5 Perumals including Sri Andal samEtha Sri Rengamannar. The live commentator inside the pandhal, explained the events to be happened. We were gifted to participate in this mangaLAsAsanam event. When Azhwar performed mangaLAsAsanam to EmperumAn as "Pallaandu pallaandu, pallaayirathaandu palakOdi nooraayiram....", we were not there! But now, by the grace of divyadampathi's of Sri Andal sametha Sri Rangamannar, everyone who witnessed that event had the bhAgyam of How Azhwar might had performed mangaLAsAsanams to emperumAn. On this special event, emperumAn from Thiruthangal divyadesam, Kaattazhgar koil (Sri Sundararajar), ThiruvannAmalai(Sri ThiruvEnkatamudaiyan) would arrive from distances to receive mangaLAsAsanam from PeriyAzhwar!! Let's enjoy in the following posts.

Azhwar entering mangaLAsAsana mandapam

After a brief time, PeriyAzhwar enterted into the mangaLAsAsana mandapam with great joy to perform mangaLAsAsanam to Sri Periyaperumal, Sri Sundararajar, Sri ThiruvEnkatamudaiyan, Sri Thiruthangalappan, Sri Andal samEtha Sri Rangamannar. All devotees was in great joy after watching PeriyAzhwar with folded hands (hastham) coming round the pandhal. Here emperumAns show their sowlabhyam by coming to bhakthA's place to receive mangaLAsAsanam. Usually devotees has to visit His place and perform mangaLAsAsanam on Him. Here emperumAns' from 5 different places comes here to receive mangaLAsAsanam from Azhwar! The beauty is that, Sri Andal who was a daughter of Azhwar, also comes along with Sri Rangamannar as divyadampathi's to receive mangaLAsAsanam.

Unnai kaNdAr enna nOnbu nORRAL kolO

The first perumAl who received mangaLAsAsanam from PeriyAzhwar was Sri Periyaperumal of Sri Vatapatra sayee temple. Azhwar was seated opposite to Sri Perumal. Once Perumal entered inside the pandhal, hArathi and prasAdhams, maryAdhai would be given to Azhwar. The left-side picutre was taken during the hArathi to Sri Periya Perumal. Watch out His wonderful soundaryam - can not be explained, by mere words! - by clicking the pictures.

Before receiving maryAdhai from Perumal, araiyar swamin on befalf of Azhwar performs mangaLAsAsanam to Perumal by reciting corresponding pAsurams. Once Azhwar completed mangaLAsAsanam, maryAdhai would be given to Azhwar. Azhwars pAsuram on SriVilliputtur as follows:
"minnanaiya nuNNidaiyAr virikuzhalmEl nuzhaintha vaNdu
innisaikkum villipuththur inithamarnthAi ! unnaikkaNdAr
yenna nOnbu nORRAL kolO ivanaipeRRa vayiRudaiyAl...." PeriyAzhwar Thirumozhi-2.2.6

What was the bhAgyam that we had or Did we done any penance to had this darshan of Sri PeriyaperumAL on that mangaLAsAsana day! nothing......!! After thinking over this, adiyEn was filled with tears on eyes. Oh Lord, please grant the same on all occasions!!!

Pradhakshanam of Azhwar after mangalasasanam

Once Azhwar completed mangaLAsAsanam and received maryAdhai from PerumaL, then would perform pradhakshaNam around PerumAL. This procedure was followed after the mangaLAsAsanam of all Perumal's. When Azhwar performed "Pallaandu pallaandu..." we were not there! Now we had the same bhAgyam of witnessing how Azhwar would have performed mangaLAsAsanam to PerumAL.

mathilsool sOlaimalaikkarasE !

Sri Sundararaja Perumal from Kaattazhar Koil, a place near-by Sri Villiputtur came next to receive mangaLAsAsanam from PeriyAzhwar. He is resemblance of Sri Kallazhagar of ThirumAlirunchOlai.

In Periya Thirumozhi -5.3, PeriyAzhwar performed mangaLAsAsanam to Kallazhagar of ThirumAlirunchOlai as follows:

"eruththuk kodiyudaiyAnum piramanum inthiranum maRRum
oruththarum ippiRaviyennum nOikku marunthaRivArumillai
maruththuvanAi ninRa maamaNivaNNA ! maRupiRavi thavirath
thiruththi unkOiRkadaip pugappei thirumAlirunchOlaiyenthAi ! (6)"

Azhwar exclaimed, "No one in this world is capable of curing samsAric disease of re-birth including brahma, Indra and others. Only He, who is standing in ThirumAlirunchOlai knows to stop this samsAric cycle of re-birth - marththuvanAi ninRa -."
AdiyEn surrenders unto His Lotus thiruvadi to relief from this re-birth. Please convert adiyEn suitable for your esteemed kainkaryam inspite of the sin committed - maRupiRavi thavirath thiruththi -.

Also in the next pAsuram Periya Thirumozhi-5.3.8, Azhwar doesn't want to, allow PerumAL to leave from him. So far, adiyEn had wasted all the times, hence wont' let You to leave from me!
"eththanai kaalamum eththanaiyUzhiyum inRodunAlaiyenRE
iththanai kaalamum pOikkiRip pattEn ini unnai pOgalottEn.....

vEdhaporuLE! en vEnkatava!

After Sri Sundararaja Perumal, Sri ThiruvEnkatamudaiyAn of Thiruvannamalai, a place near-by Sri Villiputtur came to receive mangaLAsAsanam from PeriyAzhwar. Azhwars pAsuram on ThiruvEnkatamudaiyAn in PeriyAzhwar Thirumozhi-5.4.as follows:

"senniyOngu thaNthiruvEnkatamudaiyAi ! ulagu
thannai vAzha ninRa nambee! dhAmOdharA ! sathirA!
ennaiyum ennidaimaiyaiyum unsakkarapoRiyoRRikkoNdu
ninnarLE purinthirunthEn ini enthirukkuRipE ? " (1)

Expecting Your krupA towards adiyEn. What is Your opinion(thought) on adiyEn?

Thiru thangalappan

Thiru thangal appan for receiving mangalasasanam from PeriyAzhwar coming all the way from Thiruth thangAl which is 20 kms away from Sri Villiputtur. The left-side picture shows emperumAn on the way to mangaLAsAsana pandhal. Infact, He was received by group of peoples who danced kOlaattam with joy. He was the most expected one because of His long journey from Thiruth thangAl. Look at the way of His sitting posture with abhaya hastham, which never get rid from one's mind after His darshan. He came in pallakku and received mangaLAsAsanam from Azhwar. He visits Sri Villipuththur from Thiruth thangAl once in a year for this mangaLAsAsanam from PeriyAzhwar. Click to enlarge the picture for the darshan of Thiruth thangalappan!

Sri Andal sametha Sri Rengamannar

After Thiru thangalappan perumal, the next who received magalAsAsanam was the most expected Sri Andal samEtha Sri Rengamannar. Everyone including adiyEn eagerly awaited for the arrival of divyadampathi's to receive mangaLAsA- sanam from Azhwar. The commentator explained that, this event resembles Sri Ramanujar performing SaraNAgathi towards divyadampthi's at Sri Rangam. Similarly Azhwar performs saraNAgathi towards divyadampathi's of Sri Villiputtur. The left-side picture shows Sri Andal wearing mookkuththi during mangaLAsAsanam in Pallaku. Look at the standing posture - gambeeram - of Sri Rangamannar in pallaku during mangaLAsAsanam from PeriyAzhwar. One near-by bhakthA commented that, "By the way of His standing posture, He is proving that, He is a son-in-law of Azhwar".

Sri Rangamannar perumAL is incarnation of Sri Ranganathar of Sri Rangam who married Sri Andal. In Periyazhwar Thirumozhi-4.10, "thuppudaiyArai...." pAsuram, Azhwar performed saraNAgathi towards the Lotus thiruvadi of Sri Ranganathar, since the later days he couldn't do that in anthima-sarama days -
eippu ennai vanthu naliyumpOthu angu Ethum nAnunnai ninaikkamAttEn
appothaikku ippOthE sollivaiththEn arangaththaravaNai paLLiyAnE! (1).

In pAsuram PeriyAzhwar Thirumozhi-4.10.8, Azhwar exclaimed that, "AdiyEn is unaware of Your mAyA -un maayamonRum naanaRiyEn - . Oh! King of Devas, one who took birth at Madura - madhurai piRantha mAmaayaa - You have to save adiyEn - nee ennai kaakka vEndum arangatharavaNai paLLiyAnE!

PeriyAzhwar - Hamsa Vahanam

After mangaLAsAsanam was over, the same day night, garuda sEva of five emperumAns including Sri Andal & PeriyAzhwar in Hamsa vAhanam was followed. First PeriyAzhwar came in Hamsa vAhanam by worshipping the five emperumAn's in Garuda sEvai. Through this event, we also got the opportunity of worshipping five emperumAns at same place in Garuda vahanam along with NaachiyAr (Sri ANdal) and Azhwar. Only at Sri Villiputtur and NaachiyAr Koil (Thiru Naraiyur), NaachiyAr rides along with Garuda sEvai of emperumAn!

The speciality of 5 Garuda sevai at Sri Villiputtur is that, one can have the bhAgyam of worshipping five emperumAn's along with NaachiyAr(Sri Andal) and Azhwar during Garuda Sevai. AdiyEn requests everyone to attend this at least once in your lifetime. To have a look at KAL GARUDA SEVAI at NaachiyAr koil please visit http://thirunaraiyur.blogspot.com/

Sri Rengamannar Garuda sevai

Sri Andal in Hamsa

Left Picture:: Sri Andal - in Hamsa vAhanam :: Right Picture:: Sri Andal pin sEvai in vAhanam

PeriyaPerumal , Sundararaja Perumal in garuda sevai

Left picture:: Sri Periya Perumal in Garuda Sevai
Right picture:: Sri Sundararaja Perumal in Garuda Sevai

Thiruvenkatamudaiyan, Thiru thangalappan garuda sevai

Left picture:: Sri ThiruvEnkatamudaiyan
Right picture:: Sri Thiruth thangAlappan